Santa Cruz / Washed / Guatemala / 250g

Origin: Guatemala

Producer: Maria Regina Ponce de Leal

Wetmill: Bella Vista

Region: Antigua

Varieties: Bourbon

Process: Washed

Altitude: 1500-1650 masl

Flavour Profile: Camomile, Caramel & Vanilla

Santa Cruz is a coffee farm located on the border of Antigua and owned by Maria Regina Ponce de Leal. This farm is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful farms in the area and has an old church located on the grounds. 

The farm has been managed by Luis Pedro Zelaya since 2004. Luis’ family has a rich history in the coffee industry and he is the fourth generation continuing in his great grandparents footsteps. Coffee is processed at Bella Vista, a wet and dry mill owned by the Zelaya family and where the Zelcafe export offices are located. 

Coffee cherries are hand picked from December to April and varieties include Bourbon, Villa Sarchi and Typica. Luis has implemented a shade cover system on the farm as well as planting new coffee shrubs though one tree is over 100 years old and still produces fruit!

We buy this coffee directly with help from Belco.

Type: Coffee

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