Gishubi / Natural / Burundi / 250g

Origin: Burundi

Producer: Small holder farmers

Washing station: Heza washing station

Station manager: Pamphile Mpawenayo

Region: Kayanza province

Varieties: Heirloom

Process: Natural

Altitude: 1960 masl

Flavour Profile: Cocoa, Blueberry & Raisin


This is our second year purchasing coffee from The Long Miles Coffee project with help from Osito. Long Miles Coffee was founded by Ben and Kristy Carlson in 2011 who moved their whole family to Burundi to start Long Miles.

Heza washing station was the second station to be built by Long Miles and the name means “beautiful place” in Kirundi - the local language Burundi. 

This washing station is very remote and from here you can see the edge of Kibira, Burundis only indigenous rainforest.

During the natural process coffee cherries are floated and then hand-sorted, then taken straight to the drying tables. The whole coffee cherry spends between twenty-five to thirty days drying in its skin, slowly turning from deep red to a prune-like purple-black color when fully dry, reaching the desired 10.5% moisture level. 

We buy this coffee from The Long Miles Project through Osito.

Type: Coffee

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